In the Spirit of Christmas!

As the December festivities set in, we heeded the call to join the less fortunate in the society by extending a hand of love and care. We joined hands with Oga Obinna during his annual children’s home visit to Rehoboth Blessed Assurance Children’s Home in Mwiki on the 21st December, 2023.

The rescue centre hosts 100-150 children who are either abandoned, orphaned or need support. Walking into the premises you could clearly tell that these kids need better amenities such as shelter, as their current one is dilapidated, and the hygiene is in question since they lack water and proper toilet facilities. Despite all this, their mom is filled with love, welcomes them with open arms and provides the support she can through the help of well-wishers and donors.

On this particular day, the home was full of excitement as they expected one of their favourite supporter, Oga Obinna! And true to it, he did not disappoint. He showed up with gifts, energy, fans, and music entertainment for the kids. We danced, cooked Nala Instant Noodles for lunch and made merry all in the spirit of Christmas!

As we wound up the day, we made introductions and listened in on some speeches. The woman representative from Baringo County offered to donate a tank to curb the water menace, and made a donation of Kshs 100,000 to support the children. Kapa Oil Refineries donated Neptune Toilet paper, Nala Noodles, Toss Lavender Detergent and Prestige Margarine. Oga Obinna and his team gifted Christmas shopping for the children and the home. All in all, it was a fun filled day! Let’s remember to give back when we can.

‘‘We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give ’’ – Winston Churchill

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