How do you celebrate public holidays?

It’s a brand-new month and September just flew by. There are some crazy holidays that are celebrated in the month of October. For instance, World Octopus Day, would you believe it? There’s also Peanuts Cartoon Day, Random Acts of Poetry Day, Costume Swap Day, the list goes on.

Anyway, here in Kenya, we have 2 major holidays this month. Huduma Day is celebrated on 10th October. The day is marked to highlight service and volunteerism to the community. Then there is also Mashujaa Day celebrated on 20th October, a day we celebrate, and honor fallen heroes who fought for our freedom.

There are interesting ways to celebrate a public holiday. Some people prefer going to the stadiums to listen to government representatives addressing them. Usually, a key highlight of any public holiday is the marching bands. They move so perfectly with an order, precision, and in perfect harmony. But what really stands out are those bright red ceremonial uniforms. The servicemen must take extra care of those uniforms, bet you they use Toss Orange. No way that red color can just pop like that!

And by the way, what would you wear to a public event? Shorts and slippers, we don’t think so. We’d suggest some clothes befitting the occasion, like a nice shirt and pants for guys and a dress or pants and blouse, or a kitenge for the ladies, why not?

Then there are those who link up with friends to hike Mt. Longonot, take a walk at Karura, or even play outdoor games like archery and badminton. But what would you wear if you’re going to be involved in some fun activities? Sports clothes like sweatpants and t-shirts allow for mobility. After that, you’ll need to do your laundry with Toss Blue to fight those stubborn stains.

Then there’s a group that attends parties. It would be good to know what the party theme is to avoid feeling out of place. If you want your clothes to pop, we recommend Toss Orange.

If you’re not the partying kid, chilling in the house is perfectly ok. There are people who will be content sleeping in and staying in their PJs the whole day. For these guys, we recommend Toss Lavender because it keeps all your PJs smelling fresh all day every day. But we do hope that you’ll shower at some point though.

However, you choose to celebrate your holiday, always make sure you keep your clothes fresh and clean with Toss.

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