Let’s Hit The Road

It’s that time of the year when people take a break and go on road trips. Imagine catching up with friends and hitting the road to explore. And that’s what this month’s blog is all about.

When you go on a trip you can wing it and hope to have as much fun as possible. But planning your activities before hand is crucial especially if you’re going somewhere that you’ve never been to.

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of the words road trip? Do you think about the destination, the journey, or both? The whole point of a road trip isn’t only about the destination but it’s about the journey. There are several things that come into play when you plan a road trip, such as the accommodation and the number of people you’ll be traveling with.

Just picture yourself for a minute, with your buddies cruising in a land cruiser with your head popped out of the sunroof. You feel the breeze that has got the palm trees swaying, you’re enjoying the ride with the warm white sandy beach as the radio plays your favorite jams. That can be your reality this festive season. So, don’t sleep on that picture, wake up to it.

Whether you’re traveling to shagz, coasto or Naivasha, there are three ingredients that a road trip must have for it to be a real road trip. These are music, snacks, and road trippers. What’s a road trip without these?

On a road trip you must make sure that the music sets the vibe during your road trip, these tunes should make people excited to be on the road and should make people want to sing along. The snacks are just as important as the music. If you need some tips on what snacks to get, don’t worry about that we’ve got you. You can have some freshly made mandazis, made with Prestige Margarine or the Prestige enhanced vanilla.

A snack you will want to prepare for the road are sandwiches. Get some white or brown bread and spread the prestige margarine, add your favorite toppings, like some lettuce, beef or chicken brawn depending on what you fancy. Do this and this road trip will be one for the books. You may want to enjoy these sandwiches with some fresh juice to enhance the flavor even more. Or you may have it with some milk.

Another snack is a hot dog. Cut the bread in half, spread Prestige, add your favorite toppings, frankfurter and you have a delicious snack on your hands. You can also make ndaos or if you like KDFs with Prestige Margarine. The ndaoz go well with hot chocolate milk or some richly flavored hot tea to help you enjoy the Prestige made mandazis even more, believe that.

We also suggest baking some cakes beforehand for your road trip with some Vanilla Prestige Margarine. Trust that these cakes will explode with flavor as you have them with a cold or warm glass of milk. Some juice can also do.Follow these tips and your road trip will be one for the books. Don’t be afraid to experiment with the Prestige margarine on your snacks.

Merry Christmas everyone.

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