To do list for everyone indoors.

life style kapa

During this ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, we are encouraged to maintain social distancing and stay home. We have come up with a few things you and your loved ones can do as you help to flatten the curve.

Write a gratitude list
Make a habit of writing or reciting at least 5 things you are grateful for each morning. This will help you realize how blessed you are and enable you to focus on the positive things.

Call at least one friend/ relative each day
During this time, most of us are away from some of our family members and friends.
Purpose to check upon them. It will strengthen your relationship and it is a great way of showing that you care about them and their well-being.

Engage in physical activities each day
Diarize at least 15 minutes a day for an intentional workout. This is the best time to burn those calories you have been building up seated on the couch. Take a jog or turn on some YouTube workout session. You can take part in yoga classes or Zumba depending on your energy level for the day.

Dress up
Have you found yourself in your pj’s all day long? Mmmh… Get out that lazy energy and make the effort to clean up and dress up before beginning to work. It will give you the confidence to face the day and even uplift your mood.

Find some playtime with those you are around
Spare some time and have games with your significant other, children, siblings or parents.
It could be playing board games such as monopoly, card games, building blocks, scrabble or even playing hide and seek in the house.

Have some alone time
How are you doing? Have you checked up on yourself recently? Spare at least 15 minutes daily to meditate, speak to yourself, make plans and journal your thoughts. This will help you stay sane and mindful of your mental health.

Spend more time in the kitchen.
This is the best time to try that cake recipe you have been thinking of trying out. It is also an opportune time for teaching your kids or younger siblings a few cooking skills.

Fast from social media
Too much social media can not only waste time, but it could also feed you with false and negative information that can drain you. Feed on social media with caution.

Organize your space
Try and organize your closet and declutter your home. It is not only therapeutic, but also an amazing way to actually sharpen your organization skills and teach your kids or younger siblings the same.

Learn something new skill
What have you always wanted to learn? A new language? How to play an instrument, knitting, crocheting? Whatever it is, this is the time to Just Do It. Lastly; Protect yourself, Protect others & Stay positive!


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