Why glycemic load matters to your health

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The older we grow, the easier it becomes to pack on more pounds, due to lower metabolism. Here is the good news though: you do not need to go drastic with diets. Recent studies show that all it takes is making small changes to your eating habits, and the weight will fall right off. As you may know, eating foods with a high glycemic load (refined grains and sugars) is a big no when it comes living a healthy lifestyle. Why? These foods increase the glucose level in your blood. While a little sugar is okay, blood glucose levels above normal are toxic. On the other hand, eating more foods with a low glycemic load (nuts, milk, certain fruits and vegetables), help to maintain and lose weight. Besides that, your blood sugar levels are kept more consistent which contributes to lower risk of heart disease. This means filling your plate with a lot more lean protein and vegetables. For example, choosing to grill your chicken with a little Rinsun, would be a much better alternative to taking out deep fried chicken.

That stated, because it can’t always be about BBQ meats, and green, don’t disregard carbohydrates completely. Opt for those with a low glycemic load. In fact, the only complex relationship you should welcome with open arms, is with carbohydrates; complex carbohydrates such as whole grains and whole fruits as opposed to white rice and white flour should be your go-to.

Here is a helpful link on the glycemic load for 100 common foods: https://www.health.harvard.edu/diseases-and-conditions/glycemic-index-and-glycemic-load-for-100-foods. The glycemic load is important, as it measures both the quality and quantity of a carbohydrate in a meal and in essence, how fast it raises blood glucose levels.

It is no secret; a healthy lifestyle helps you live a longer, healthier and more fulfilling life!

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