World Toilet Day

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Sanitation Starts With You And Me

World Toilet Day was created to raise awareness about the important and crucial role that sanitation plays in creating healthier communities.

According to the UN, Inadequate sanitation is estimated to cause 432,000 diarrheal deaths every year. How can we stop this? Just like charity begins at home, so does sanitation.

We have rounded up a few tips on how you can play a part in creating healthier communities.

We have heard and seen this statement so many times during these unprecedented times. “Wash your hands”. Washing of hands is very vital, as germs and bacteria easily get transferred from one person to another when one does not wash their hands. It is crucial to ensure that you wash your hands after using the toilet at all times.

Whether in a shared space or by yourself, clean your toilet often. So many germs and bacteria may remain hidden, which may cause you to get sick or even catch infections. While cleaning your toilet, try get to the hidden areas like under your toilet seat. Remember to also clean the brushes you use to clean your toilet as they can also harbor germs. As often as you can, replace your toilet brushes as that will reduce the risk of having any germs around your toilet.

Lastly, when cleaning your toilet, go for a strong toilet cleaner that is tough on germs and bacteria. We suggest using Atilla toilet cleaner that leaves your toilet smelling fresh.

Remember, sanitation and creating healthier communities starts with me and you.

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