2020 Resolutions


Welcome to 2020. A new decade, a new chapter, the beginning of another story. We get another chance to go around the sun on this planet we call home. But as every year comes we face that same tradition. That dance that requires us to set our resolutions and see them through the year.

The dictionary defines “resolution” as a firm decision to do or not do something. About half of us make that decision at the beginning of the year but less than 10% of us see it through. They are difficult to keep but if you are part of the ones that kept their resolutions then congratulations.

So why not? Why don’t people stick to their resolutions? Well the reasons vary. They tend to be caused by a lack of motivation or resources or we simply lose interest. This is true for both individuals and for institutions. Your heart is in the right place, but it becomes difficult to find the best version of you.

As we begin the year, we are also looking for the best version of ourselves. Finding it means knowing the things that drive us. In that journey, learn to walk with people who inspire you to be better. 

Making those big changes is also a massive undertaking. So how about those little steps towards changing the world? Those bright ideas that allow us to be better day by day. So, this month we are taking the challenge with everyone else. One that says we can be better day by day. One that allows us to bring better products into the hearts and homes of millions. But one that also allows us to inspire change. Whether it is to be healthier or have more fun.

We are in this together, as you make your resolutions for the New Year and new decade, we wish you the very best. Here’s to a blank slate and to making dreams come true in 2020.

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