
This time last year, the sun was out and we were all running around happy go lucky in our shorts and dresses living our best lives. We remember because we compared that June to the previous year’s. The previous year was all gloom and doom, similar to today.

As much the sun is great, it pays to look at the bright side even as it rains. In this case, the bright side looks a lot like a lot more fashion options:

Scarves are your friend

If you don’t have a scarf with you in your bag, hanging on your seat at the office, sitting pretty in your car back seat, you need to get on this. A scarf is an easy carry on that comes in many different patterns and styles to go with all your outfits and is easy access for you when the chills get to be too much.

Closed toe shoes

They say that if your feet are warm, your body will be. So, ladies and gentlemen, if you are walking around in sandals and open toe shoes wondering why you are freezing, you now have your answer. Get you a nice pair of boots and you will be good to go.


During this cold season, you are assured without a doubt that your ears will be ice cold. It may not seem like a big deal to some but when that cold wind hits your ears, you feel it all the way till your toes. Cover your ears when you have a beanie on. They come in all colors and silly designs so you can match them to your personality and preference. Go on, get one today, we dare you…


Gloves are often perceived as a Western concept; because they have snow there, they must protect their hands from those extreme conditions. While we cannot relate on the snow bit, our hands need some TLC nonetheless, right?

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