Stay Home, Stay Healthy

Health kapa

Working from home has many advantages and disadvantages. One major advantage is that you get to snack a lot, and at your convenience, the con to this is, well, you end up finishing up all your ‘quarantine snacks’.
You might have also run out of ideas on what snacks to prepare because you are having the same thing over and over.

This month, we will be sharing how to enjoy one snack in 4 different ways, and this is yoghurt!
Yoghurt is rich in important nutrients such as calcium and protein which are ideal for your wholesome living. Calcium is a mineral necessary for healthy teeth and bones. The protein in the yoghurt will also keep you full for longer.
Here are 4 ways you can enjoy your healthy yoghurt snack:

1. Yoghurt and fruits
Add some sliced bananas, grapes, diced mango or strawberries to enjoy as a snack or dessert.
This makes it more filling and a lot more wholesome. This can be done with both plain and flavoured yoghurt.

2. Yoghurt and cereal
Add more fibre to your yoghurt by stirring whole grain cereals such as oatmeal, chia or granola. These grains not only add fibre but are a good source of vitamins, iron and magnesium.

3. Yoghurt and nuts
This savoury leaves you satisfied and could replace breakfast or lunch. Nuts contain unsaturated fats as well as omega 3 fatty acids which help to keep a healthy heart. You can add some apples in this and blend them together. Sounds yummy already, right?

4. Yoghurt and Salad
You can opt to have your yoghurt with some homemade salad or plain lettuce, cucumbers and grapes. This not only adds flavour to your meal, but it also makes it fun and refreshing to have. It is also a great way to encourage kids to have a healthy snack.

5. For that Sunday afternoon when you want to relax watching movies, get a combo of yoghurt, biscuits and some ice cream. This is deliciously sweet and is cautioned that it should be for special occasions. We do not want some extra calories building up as we stay

Stay home and enjoy some yoghurt!

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