All Heroes Wear Bravery, not Capes

This month on the blog, we are going to be looking at how to appreciate the heroes in our lives.  Real-life heroes are not often easily identified as they are in movies. But they do exist.They often exist in classrooms, at home, in hospitals, at church, you name it. They are everywhere. They are often disguised as regular civilians, and they often are. What makes them different is their urge to put the needs of others above their own. For that, they should be celebrated and appreciated.

Being a true hero is more of an inside job than it is an outside one. What usually happens is that what is on the inside is reflected on the outside. True heroes often have compassion, and because of that, they go the extra mile for others. True heroes are selfless people who put the needs of others before their own.

True heroes come in all shapes, sizes, and forms. Even kids can be heroes. For example, a 12-year-old girl from Rukala village, Busia County, became a sensation after courageously rowing her pregnant mother across Lake Victoria to a hospital late in the night. Imagine that!

 One of the ways to show appreciation to the heroes in our lives is to write an appreciation note. This can go a long way in communicating how much we truly value them. It can motivate the person to keep it up and even want to do more. Appreciation notes are very thoughtful and always serve as motivation to keep going even when it gets difficult.

Another way is to buy your hero a gift, especially if you know them. Then tell them why you bought them the gift and let them know how much they mean to you and why you love what they did for you.

If your hero loves traveling. Then organize and take a few days off and surprise them with a road trip to a beautiful destination.Make sure to pack some snacks like sandwiches made with Prestige. Believe it or not but Prestige Margarine is all about spreading the fun. They will feel the love and appreciation flowing from you to them, and they will direct it back to you.

Compliment your hero for what they do and focus on their positive traits. This will affirm to the heroes that their work is appreciated and valued.Since we’re talking about how to appreciate the heroes in our lives, another way to appreciate them is to pay it forward and help someone who needs help and to impact them the way you were impacted.

Please always remember, that we all have an inner hero in us, we just need a little inspiration for our inner hero to be awoken.How will you appreciate a hero in your life? Let us know in the comment section

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