Keeping the kids busy this Holiday

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Holidays are a great time to bond with your children and an opportunity to also let your inner child come out to play. However, it can get stressful when you run out of ideas to engage the kids this season.  It’s best to plan into the holidays to prepare activities that will keep the little ones occupied and out of mischief. Start by planning each week in advance and better yet, try involve the kids in the planning too. 

Here are some ideas that you can choose from:

  1. Cooking and baking. Once a week, plan a cooking or baking day. Involve the kids in the process from the beginning; let them choose from a selection of easy recipes. This will help them learn important skills from this while having fun. Prestige Margarine is a key ingredient when it comes to baking. Get to spread the fun with the kids. 
  2. Go for picnics. You don’t have to go far to have a picnic. You can have a picnic at your backyard or at a nearby field. Pack healthy snacks like sandwiches, natural juices and fruits in a picnic bag, don’t forget a shuka/blanket to spread on the ground. You’ll be amazed at how a simple outdoor plan can bring life to a dull day.
  3. Create a Holiday Diary. Encourage the little ones to keep a diary or scrapbook. They can keep a record of all the interesting things happening around them including cutting up & sticking newspaper clippings.  Not only will this keep them busy for a few hours but also be a treasured memoir in future.
  4. Paint. One of the nicest ways to express creativity is to use paint. Get large sheets of paper and lots of paint and lay them on the floor. Allow your kids to express their creative freedom and encourage them to use their hands and feet too. To save yourself from the stress of having to clean up, line the whole painting area with newspapers then place the sheets of paper on top of the newspapers. This way you will only need to pick the newspapers and dispose them once the kids are done with the activity.
  5. Go for swimming. Most children really love being in the water. Plan a swim- day. Not only is this a form of working out, but it’s also an important skill to learn. If the management allows, you can have a ball with you to play games in the water. The pool has a calming effect on children and the amount of energy used in the water means that they won’t be very active when they get home and will be ready to rest.
  6. Organize some play dates. Plan a play date and invite their friends over or vice versa. I am sure you still remember the friends you made when you were a child. While they spend time with their friends it may give you the opportunity to get some work done or perhaps connect with other parents. 
  7. Have a “Chill Day”. With all these activities planned, kids will also need some downtime. Make sure you plan some days where you just relax; watch some movies, read some books, narrate stories or listen to theirs and take it easy. Afterall, what we really want is to spend as much quality time with the kids as possible.

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