Ways to make your bathroom attractive


Bathrooms are meant to be relaxing. It is one of the few places we get ultimate relaxation from. It is also the one place we must visit each day. In most cases, it is where most get to meditate. Relatable? 

Here are some ideas that will help you refurbish your bathroom and will make you enjoy the moments you spend in that room. 

Paint your bathroom a bright color

A bright color will make the room look bigger, boosts your mood while leaving the space feeling clean and put together.

Add plants to the bathroom. 

Not only will plants allow air circulation, they also add life to the space. If you think caring for natural plants poses a challenge invest in artificial plants. The size of the plants will depend with the size of the bathroom. Take care not to overdo it. One or two plants will suffice.

Invest in a good bathroom rug

How comfortable does it get when your feet are under a woolen rug as you do your business. Have an absorbent rug that will dry your feet easily once you are out of the shower. Go for rug that complements the colour of your walls. It will make a significant difference in the look and overall feel of your bathroom.

Get a beautiful shower curtain

Choose a bright shower curtain with warm colors. This will brighten your bathroom and make it more attractive. Also, choose the one that is light, for faster drying.

Invest in a quality hand towel.

The hand towel you choose says so much about you. Go for an absorbent one that dries your hands fast. Remember to wash it regularly to keep germs at bay. Ensure that you are well stocked with hand soap and hand cream to moisturize your hands after using the bathroom. 

Lastly, keep your bathroom stocked with Atilla Strong toilet cleaner. It will not only leave your toilet sparkling, but its freshness comes with a beautiful fragrance. Your visitors don’t have to worry about judgements after visiting your bathroom. 

We hope that this makes your bathroom more chic, appealing and comfortable to be in regardless of the size of the room.

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