What is the secret to feeling younger and more vibrant? If you take care of the inside, it will reflect on the outside. Youth is more than just vigor or optimism, it’s a state of mind. It’s being teachable and adaptable, having the right attitude, and living for challenges.

Every year, World Youth Day is celebrated to ensure inclusivity of the youth and celebrate intergenerational solidarity, and combat ageism. The objective this year is to turn on the floodlights to expose the barriers to intergenerational solidarity and to obliterate ageism in the most effective way possible. If the different generations get to understand each other, then intergenerational solidarity will be more than possible. People who stay young at heart are often sponges that are all ready to soak up as much knowledge as they can and stay hungry for knowledge and are open-minded. We’re not about dying at a young age and getting buried in old age.

There are various ways we can stay young. One of those is being social. This is crucial in maintaining cognitive and emotional health because friends can help you stay young. On the other hand, isolation can lead to faster aging.

Studies show that adults who have stronger social networks are healthier and live longer than the ones who don’t. Friends can offer fresh insights that can change your whole perspective on a particular area. So, remember to stay social or start being social if you haven’t already. You can visit a friend and catch up, or you can go to a social event like a live concert with some friends or family. You can go on a camping trip or a hike, or bike riding the list is endless. It depends on what you like to do.

Another way to rekindle your youth is to prioritize exercise. This will motivate, give you energy and help make you feel confident and youthful. You can choose to go to the gym in the morning before work, and this will help energize you throughout the day. You can even walk for just 30 minutes to get your heart rate up. You’ll never regret a workout.

Rinsun is made from sunflower seeds, Rinsun Sunflower Oil has the nutrients Omega 3 & 6, vitamins and proteins that help to strengthen your body’s immune system. An optimal balance of fats allows for excellent functionality and stability in cooking and frying.

It’s no secret that what we eat affects how we look and feel. Make it a priority to eat food from the different food groups to get all the vitamins and minerals your body requires. Prioritize eating fruits and vegetables. Eat protein like fish, peas, and beans. Indulge in whole grain cereals, bread, or rice.

Ensure you consume food that contains Vitamin D for strong healthy bones. Consume healthy fats like olive oil or Rinsun which are cholesterol free when cooking.

Combine these steps and follow this advice and you will be well on your way to rekindling your youth. You will have so much energy that you won’t know what to do with it. Always remember that youthfulness starts on the inside.

We hope you have enjoyed the read and we wish you all the best in your journey in rekindling your youth. If you would like to talk to us, tell us in the chat section below.

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